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February: Daryl Lancaster (Zoom)

Morning (11AM): “Combining Warps and Structures for Wow! Yardage”
Afternoon (1PM): “YouTube Video:  Leftovers”

We start with some basics on weaving yardage, what to weave and how to sett it.  The most important part though, is finding out what you’ve got, and how to make it work for you.  Learn how to know what’s on the cone, or in the skein, and see how far it will go!  The focus here is on 8 shafts.  With 8 shafts you can magically combine structures and different yarns and create some inspiring and truly unique fabrics.  Lots of drafts and lots of examples.

Supplementary Material (2 PDFs, both available for limited time):
Combining Warps And Structures-2024


About Daryl:

Daryl Lancaster, a hand-weaver and fiber artist known for her award-winning hand-woven fabric and garments, has been constructing garments for more than half a century. She has given lectures and workshops to guilds, conferences, and craft centers all over the United States. The former Features Editor for Handwoven Magazine, she has written more than 100 articles and published digital content, still frequently contributing to various weaving and sewing publications. She now has a YouTube channel, The Weaver Sews where she shares her extensive experience sewing handwoven garments. Daryl offers a complete line of digital sewing patterns for handweavers at.

February 22

Workshop: Daryl Lancaster

March 28

March 28: Katherine Lewis (in-person)